Introduction to Circulate Series
(4 min) Introduction to Circulate Series

M1.5-1 Circulate Principle
(41 min) Circulate Principle

M1.5-1 Dantian Elixir Meditation
(40 min) Dantian Elixir Meditation

M1.5-1 Zhan Zhuang with Dantian Elixir Meditation
(27 min) Zhan Zhuang with Dantian Elixir Meditation

M1.5-1 Zhan Zhuang with Dantian Elixir Meditation (No Music)
(27 min) Zhan Zhuang with Dantian Elixir Meditation (No Music)

M1.5-2 Energy Map
(11 min) The Six Phases Of Qi Flow & Chapter Review

M1.5-2 Cosmic Fire Qigong Form and Opening the Microcosmic Orbit
(31 min) Cosmic Fire Qigong Form and Opening the Microcosmic Orbit

M1.5-3 Fire Element
(73 min) The Six Phases Of Qi Flow & Chapter Review

M1.5-3 Fire Purification Tutorial
(57 min) Fire Purification Tutorial

M1.5-4 Physical Anatomy - The Chest and Shoulder Girdle
(21 min) Physical Anatomy - The Chest and Shoulder Girdle

M1.5-4 Opening the Neck and Shoulders Tutorial
(40 min) Opening the Neck and Shoulders Tutorial

M1.5-5 Energetic Anatomy the Microcosmic Orbit
(55 min) Energetic Anatomy the Microcosmic Orbit

M1.5-5 Opening the Microcosmic Orbit Tutorial
(63 min) Opening the Microcosmic Orbit Tutorial

M1.5-5 Microcosmic Orbit Partner Demonstration
(19 min) Microcosmic Orbit Partner Demonstration

M1.5-6 Emotional Level: Compassion
(26 min) Emotional Level: Compassion

M1.5-7 Psycho-Spiritual Level: Shen
(34 min) Psycho-Spiritual Level: Shen

M1.5-7 Heart Tonification Tutorial
(47 min) Heart Tonification Tutorial

M1.5-8 Empowement of the Fire Element
(13 min) Empowement of the Fire Element

M1.5-8 Heart Empowerment
(26 min) Heart Empowerment

M1.5-9 Qigong Flow for the Fire Element
(15 min) Qigong Flow for the Fire Element

M1.5-9 Qigong Flows for the Fire Element Tutorial
(40 min) Qigong Flows for the Fire Element Tutorial

M1.5-10 The Six Phases of Qi Flow & Chapter Review
(51 min) The Six Phases of Qi Flow & Chapter Review

Happy Heart (No Music)
(38 min) Qigong Flow For A Happy Heart (No Music Updated Version)

Happy Heart
(38 min) Qigong Flow for a Happy Heart