Introduction to Purge Series
(4 min) Introduction to Purge Series

M1.2-1 Purging Basics
(43 min) Purging Basics

M1.2-1 Basic Purging Exercises Guided Tutorial
(38 min)

M1.2-2 Energy Map: The Meridians
(35 min) Energy Map: The Meridians

M1.2-2 Meridian Tapping Guided Tutorial
(46 min) Meridian Tapping Guided Tutorial

M1.2-3 The Metal Element
(40 min) The Metal Element

M1.2-3 Metal Purification Guided Practice
(30 min) Metal Purification Guided Practice

M1.2-4 The Nose And Sinuses
(28 min) The Nose And Sinuses

M1.2-4 Allergy Relief Protocol with Qi Facial
(45 min) Allergy Relief Protocol with Qi Facial

M1.2-5 The Breath
(59 min) The Breath

M1.2-5 Dantian Activation 2 Guided Tutorial
(46 min) Dantian Activation 2 Guided Tutorial

M1.2-5 Turtle Breathe Training Tutorial
(28 min) Turtle Breathe Training Tutorial

M1.2-6 Emotional Transformation
(52 min) Emotional Transformation

M1.2-6 The Six Healing Sounds Guided Tutorial
(46 min) The Six Healing Sounds Guided Tutorial

M1.2-7 The Po, Instinct
(36 min) The Po, Instinct

M1.2-7 Metal Tonification
(23 min) Metal Tonification

M1.2-7 Clearing the Charge in the Aura
(35 min) Clearing the Charge in the Aura

M1.2-7 Bonus Video: Cutting the Cords
(19 min) Bonus Video: Cutting the Cords

M1.2-8 Empowerment of Purging
(7 min) Empowerment of Purging

M1.2-8 Lung Empowerment Guided Tutorial
(22 min) Lung Empowerment Guided Tutorial

M1.2-8 Lung Empowerment Seated Practice
(15 min) Lung Empowerment Seated Practice

M1.2-9 Qigong Flow for the Metal Element
(12 min) Qigong Flow for the Metal Element

M1.2-9 Qigong Flows for the Metal Element Tutorial
(29 min) Qigong Flows for the Metal Element Tutorial

M1.2-10 The Six Phases of Qigong Flow
(18 min) The Six Phases of Qigong Flow

M1.2-10 Happy Lungs (No Music)
(40 min) Qigong Flow For Happy Lungs

M1.2-10 Happy Lungs
(40 min) Qigong Flow for Happy Lungs

M1.2-10 Happy Lungs
(40 min) Qigong Flow for Happy Lungs