Introduction to Attune Series
(4 min) Introduction to Attune Series

M1.1-1 Attune Principle
(30 min) Attune Principle

M1.1-2 Energy Maps: The Central Channel & 3 Forces
(35 min) Energy Maps: The Central Channel & 3 Forces

M1.1-2 The Three Forces Guided Tutorial
(53 min) The Three Forces Guided Tutorial

M1.1-2 The Three Forces Standing Meditation
(40 min) Three Forces Standing Meditation.

M1.1-2 The Three Forces Standing Meditation
(40 min) Three Forces Standing Meditation

M1.1-3 Earth Element Phase
(45 min) Earth Element Phase

M1.1-3 Earth Purification Tutorial
(57 min) Earth Purification Tutorial

M1.1-3 Earth Purification Practice
(33 min) Earth Purification Practice

M1.1-4 Attune Anatomy
(18 min) Attune Anatomy

M1.1-4 Opening the Kua Tutorial
(54 min) Opening the Kua Tutorial

M1.1-5 Energy Anatomy - Dantian Breathing
(36 min) Energy Anatomy - Dantian Breathing

M1.1-5 Dantian Breathing Partner Demonstration
(15 min) Dantian Breathing Partner Demonstration

M1.1-5 Dantian Breathing Tutorial
(61 min) Dantian Breathing Tutorial

M1.1-5 Dantian Activation 1 Tutorial
(35 min) Dantian Activation 1 Tutorial

M1.1-6 Inner Smile
(24 min) Inner Smile

M1.1-6 Inner Smile Tutorial
(39 min) Inner Smile Tutorial

M1.1-7 The Yi - Intention Mind
(17 min) The Yi - Intention Mind

M1.1-7 Earth Tonification Tutorial
(34 min) Earth Tonification Tutorial

M1.1-8 Empowerment of the Yi
(13 min) Empowerment of the Yi

M1.1-8 Spleen Empowerment Tutorial
(25 min) Spleen Empowerment Tutorial

M1.1-9 Qigong Flow for the Earth Element
(18 min) Qigong Flow for the Earth Element

M1.1-9 Qigong Flow for the Earth Element
(47 min) Qigong Flow for the Earth Element

M1.1-9 Qigong Flows for the Earth Element Tutorial
(25 min) Qigong Flows for the Earth Element Tutorial

M1.1-10 The Six Phases of Qigong Flow
(21 min) The Six Phases of Qigong Flow

M1.1-10 Happy Spleen & Stomach (No Music)
(38 Minutes) No Music- Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen

M1.1-10 Happy Spleen & Stomach
(38 Minutes) Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach