Introduction to Tonify Series
(5 min) Introduction to Tonify Series

M1.3-1 Tonify Principle
(33 min) Tonify Principle

M1.3-1 Self Massage Tutorial
(34 min) Self Massage Tutorial

M1.3-2 The Extraordinary Vessels
(49 min) The Extraordinary Vessels

M1.3-2 Iron Bridge Tutorial
(14 min) Iron Bridge Tutorial

M1.3-3 The Water Element
(59 min) The Water Element

M1.3-3 Kidney Purification Tutorial
(28 min) Kidney Purification Tutorial

M1.3-4 The Spine
(40 min) The Spine

M1.3-4 Spine Series Tutorial
(38 min) Spine Series Tutorial

M1.3-4 Chinese Buddhist Prostrations Demonstration
(10 min) Chinese Buddhist Prostrations Demonstration

M1.3-5 Energy Anatomy: The Ming Men
(53 min) Energy Anatomy: The Ming Men

M1.3-5 Dantian Activation 3 Tutorial
(65 min) Dantian Activation 3 Tutorial

M1.3-6 Self-Healing and Transforming Stress
(31 min) Self-Healing and Transforming Stress

M1.3-6 Xi Breathing Tutorial with Warm Ups
(34 min) Xi Breathing Tutorial with Warm Ups

M1.3-7 The Zhi, Willpower
(12 min) The Zhi, Willpower

M1.3-7 Kidney Tonification Tutorial
(30 min) Kidney Tonification Tutorial

M1.3-8 The Empowerment of Tonification
(8 min) The Empowerment of Tonification

M1.3-8 Kidney Empowerment Tutorial
(26 min) Kidney Empowerment Tutorial

M1.3-9 Qigong Flow for the Water Element
(15 min) Qigong Flow for the Water Element

M1.3-9 Qigong Flows for the Water Element Tutorial
(26 min) Qigong Flows for the Water Element Tutorial

M1.3-10 The Six Phases of Qi Flow
(24 min) The Six Phases of Qi Flow

M1.3-10 Happy Kidneys (No Music)
(36 min) Qigong Flow for Happy Kidneys (No Music)